Hillary Clinton Reveals Climate Change Plan

by: Jason Tran

In a campaign video titled, “Stand for Reality”, Hillary Clinton promises more than half a billion solar panels installed across the nation on the first day as president–if elected.

“I’m just a grandmother with two eyes and a brain, and I know what’s happening in the world is going to have a big effect on my daughters and especially on my granddaughter.” Hillary says in the video posted on July 26.

Hillary stresses the importance of acting on climate change immediately. The presidential candidate states,  “You don’t have to be a scientist to take on this urgent challenge that threatens us all, you just have to be willing to act.” Therefore, if elected President, Hillary Clinton promises to finish building half a billion solar panels by the end of her first term in office, in addition to which she seeks to create a 10 year goal to generate enough renewable energy to support every house in the United States and reduce carbon emission.

To many environmentalists, climate change platforms hold great importance in their candidate selection. Some people question why Hillary Clinton refuses to hold her own views on the Keystone XL project, fracking, or Arctic offshore drilling–important issues facing climate change. Hillary Clinton has stated that her reasoning is that she wants to respect President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry’s decisions and does not want to intervene. She said, “If it’s undecided when I become president, I will answer your question”.

Hillary Clinton also allocated a segment in her video to present quotes of 8 Republican president candidates who deny the science of climate change. She said, “It’s hard to believe there are people running for president who still refuse to accept the settled science of climate change, who would rather remind us they’re not scientist than listening to those who are.”

In a few months, Hillary Clinton will present a more in-depth and comprehensive agenda on how she plans to make America the world’s clean superpower.